Chat Commands
/info ~ Brings up information panel where you can see all about the server.
/dc - Use this command to connect to our discord Server.
/auth - Use this command to link your steam with our Discord.
/codelock - Opens all the commands
/codelock auto - Enables codelock auto locking.
/codelock pin - Sets the pin code for all your codelocks.
/codelock guest - Sets the guest pin code for all your codelocks.
/codelock door - Automatically places a codelock when you place a door.
/codelock box - Automatically places a codelock when you place a box.
/codelock locker - Automatically places a codelock when you place a locker.
/codelock cup - Automatically places a codelock when you place a tool cupboard.
/backpack - Use to open you backpack UI.
/kit - Opens the kits menu.
/s - Opens the server shop where you can spend you RP's.
/skinbox - Opens the skinbox, drag any item in to see all available skins for that item
/clan - Display clan menu.
/clans help - Get information about commands.
/clan create - Create a clan.
/clan leave - Leave your current clan./clan join - Opens UI with invitations.
/clan ff - Toggles friendly fire on or off for clan members.
/clan allyff - Toggle friendly-fire status for allies.
/clan invite “name” - Invite a specific player to your clan.
/clan withdraw “name” ~ Cancel a specific player invitation.
/clan kick “name” ~ Kicks a specific member from your clan.
/clan ally - Lists all ally options.
/clan allyinvite <clanTag> - Invite a clan to be ally.
/clan allywithdraw <clanTag> - Cancel the invite of an alliance.
/clan allyaccept <clanTag> - Accept the invite of an alliance.
/clan allycancel <clanTag> - Cancel the invite of an alliance.
/clan promote “name” - Promote a member of the clan to moderator.
/clan demote “name” - Demote a moderator down to a regular member.
/clan disband forever - Deletes your clan (This cannot be undone).
/sil URL - Paste an image onto a sign from a URL. Make sure it’s a JPEG or PNG and you’re standing in front of the sign.
/remove - Use to remove entities & item.
/up 1 - Upgrade your entity into Wood.
/up 2 - Upgrade your entity into Stone.
/up 3 - Upgrade your entity into Metal.
/up 4 - Upgrade your entity into High Quality.
/license - Show help to the player.
/buy - Show help for buy commands. Buy a license
/spawn - Show help for spawn commands. Spawn a vehicle
/recall - Show help for recall commands. Recall vehicles to the vicinity of the player
/kill - Show help for kill commands. Kill the player's vehicle/buyraid - You can purchase any raid of your choose.
- Prints all commands and their usage.
General Rustlers users
/ regular - Spawns the helicopter from a random location.
/ regular here - Calls the helicopter to your location.
VIP Rustlers Members
/ regular - Spawns a regular helicopter from a random location.
/ regular here - Calls a regular helicopter to your location.
/ military - Spawns a military helicopter from a random location.
/ military here - Calls a military helicopter to your location.
/ elite - Spawns a elite helicopter from a random location.
/ elite here - Calls a elite helicopter to your location.
/buytank - Opens the Bradley purchase UI.
/pump - Plugin help command.
/pump craft - Crafting submersible pump.